Documentary Work
Photographer & Filmmaker
Dead Man's Line
The True Story of Tony Kiritsis (2018)
Tony Kiritsis was "mad as hell and wasn't going to take it anymore." So he rigged a shotgun to his banker's neck and decided to extract personal vengeance.
- 7.3 on IMDB
- Won several awards
- DVD Extras has millions of views on Youtube
- One of the highest rated independent films on Amazon Prime
- Five years in the making
- Debut in the top 10 on itunes

Movie Trailer
Where Education Grows
Stories from Indiana Fields (2016)
Today’s student of a migrant working family faces a nation of challenges. "Where Education Grows" shows a brief history of how and why the Migrant Education Program came to exist and how, in 2013, the Indiana Migrant Program turned around from being chastised by the federal government to being praised by the people they serve. This was made when I worked for the Indiana Dept. of Education.

The State of the Classroom
Emmy Awarded (2015)
In this Emmy Award winning documentary we look at the challenges kids face in the classroom.
On the Fringe
Phil Van Hest (2014)
Part comedian, part philosopher, and part fist-shaking rebel, Phil van Hest has a lot on his mind. A veteran comic, he has performed at the IndyFringe Festival for years where he's received rave reviews. Watch as we follow Phil on his sometimes thankless journey from one festival to another, from Day One where he battles the empty page and the absence of jokes to Day Done when he will have performed his act for Fringe Festival audiences in four major Midwest cities. Be ready to laugh and cringe at the same time
A Band in a Jam
Chester Brown (2013)
What are the odds of a band making it in modern rock-n-roll? As it turns out, they're staggering. See just how long and difficult the road to success can be in the documentary A Band in a Jam. The film chronicles the struggles of Chester Brown, a jam band out of northern Indiana, as they pursue a musical career while still having to pay the bills at home. Watch the band play a seemingly endless string of bar venues, culminating in their very first outdoor festival which they completely managed themselves. With commentary from industry professionals and a statistics professor along the way, you'll see how hard it can be to choose between chasing your dream and taking care of your loved ones.
Behind the Sash
Mayor Ballard (2012)
So, what does the Mayor do all day? We decided to follow him for a day to find out. An interesting & uncompromising look at Indianapolis's top governing official and his daily duties.
History of Harrison Center for the Arts
Mini doc (2011)
A short history of the Harrison Center for the arts